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Walk in Love, for God is Love

I want to share four Greek words for love where you can apply them to your daily life.

  1. Eros – This is sensual, carnal love, based on our five physical senses. It is where we get the word erotic from...more so as an impulse, to satisfy the desires of the flesh. Selfish...more focused on getting than giving. Lust after for a person.

  2. Phileo – Friendship love two or more people who are compatible and have common interests; where we get the word “Philadelphia” – city of brotherly love; based on mutual satisfaction.

  3. Storgos – This word’s best under stoodmeaning “natural affection. It is like the love which the animal has for its is a love of obligation, the natural sense and not the moral sense. To put it in easier terms, it is a necessity under the circumstances. If you add the “a” to it as “astorgos” it means without natural affections from Romans 1:31, II Timothy 3:3.

  4. Agape – The love of God. It is unconditional, self- sacrificing, selfless; does what will benefit others before self: loves in spite of and not because of what others do or don’t do. Read I John 4:7-11, 16-17, I Corinthians 13.

We need, as followers of Jesus, is to work on willing to be challenged to change into the image of God’s son (Romans 8:29) daily, no matter what it takes. The Love walk is.....

  • Showing respect and honor...”honor has a gift attached”

  • Doesn’t demand its own way

  • Sees the good in the person “first”

  • Doesn’t remember the past. God’s mercy is new every

morning. Lamentations 3:22-23.

  • Can say I am sorry.

  • Face up and take the blame.

  • Apologize when needed.

  • Be willing to keep communication open. Frustration

ends where communication begins.

  • Says, I am wrong.

  • Does not “talk” all the time...”Listen”.

Prayer Focus: Father God, I come to you in Jesus Name. I repent of my selfishness as a spouse, parent or child. Help me to have a open and willing heart and mind to “Do” your will daily, walking in love.

Dave Stallman

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