Widows and Widowers Be Encouraged
The last 8 1⁄2 years have been a real struggle for me. I knew in my mind and even spoke all the positive words to myself and others. Joshua 1:5 tells us, He will never leave me or forsake me, and He didn’t. I know Jesus has walked each day with me, cried with me and hurt with me. He is my Jehovah Jireh, my provider. He has provided for my every need, with neighbors, my church, family and friends. There is not a need He has not taken care of, huge or small. But, the hole in my heart remained. I knew all these things in my mind but they never reached my heart. A month ago I re-watched the movie Courageous. In the movie, Adam was talking with his Pastor about the loss of their daughter Emily. His Pastor asked him, “Do you want to hang onto your anger and hurt or be thankful for the 9 years you had Emily with you?” When I heard those words (again) they finally hit the right slot and Wow! Psalm 119:32 says, “He has set my heart free.” Now, finally and from my heart I can say, yes, I am thankful Doug is with our Lord. Yes, I am so grateful for the years we had together and I rejoice in the memories without the sadness. Now God is opening new doors for me and I freely walk through and wonder, how will he use me today? He has set me free and I praise His Holy Name! It took me a very long time to find the heart healing, but now I can truly say, “It is well with my soul.”
Kathy Uland