What is your Hope?
O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption. (Psalm 130:7 ESV)
There is a lot of hopelessness in the world today. Homes have been destroyed by wars. People are being displaced from their homeland. Economies are not doing as well as we would like.
The politicians running for office are not anyone we would ever invite into our homes. During these times of turmoil and fear, where is your hope?
Be careful, because the things we place our hope in can keep us in an endless cycle of disappointment. What we end up doing is to create little saviors to rescue us from whatever we think is wrong in our lives when our hope isn’t first and foremost in the Lord. If we believe that if we can just get the right politician into office then everything in our country will turn around, then they are crafted into our mini-hero. It becomes the mechanism through which we hope to be rescued from our current state. Consider your finances and the dollar. How many of us place our hope in little green pieces of paper and silver coins thinking that if we just made a little more then we would be happy?
When we place our hope in these little saviors, we doom ourselves to a life of disappointment and idolatry. We submit ourselves to an endless cycle of regret, an existence that constantly cries, “If only!” When our hope is placed in anything less than the perfect God of the universe, we will live in the darkness of dissatisfaction. Follow Jesus into the light of eternal hope.
Today remember what and who your hope is!!
Pastor Chris Rich