Yes, Yes I Can...
Can I get through the day when I wake tired and depressed? Yes, yes I can.
Can I survive another day in a job I do not love but need to keep to support my family? Yes, yes I can.
Can I deal with the pain of an unexpected death? Yes, yes I can.
Can I work through an illness with hope? Yes, yes I can.
Can I make it one more day when my body hurts as it does every day? Yes, yes I can.
Can I stand strong for family and friend who is facing a dread disease? Yes, yes I can
. Can I be the voice of encouragement when I meet someone who is struggling? Yes, yes I can.
Can I give even though I don’t feel I have enough? Yes, yes I can.
Can I love in spite of how I have been treated? Yes, yes I can.
Can I forgive even though I don’t want to? Yes, yes I can.
Can I reach out to another with a smile and pleasant word? Yes, yes I can.
Can I still see the good all around when it appears our world is falling apart? Yes, yes I can.
How you ask? Because the Lord is my strength, my joy, my love, my protector, my counselor, my friend. He is my savior and I have nothing to fear. He guides me in happy times and through all my trials. I can do anything with the Lord! Yes, yes I can.
Linda Baxter