The Temple
God dealt with me on this so I figured I might as well write it
out. So this was for me, and is not meant to offend anybody.
When Solomon’s temple was destroyed it was prophesied that
God would build another. When Christ came to earth he was just
that. God’s presence can only dwell in a pure and sinless temple.
Christ coming and dying on the cross was for you and for me
and a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus said that he would tear down
the temple and build it back in three days. This confused the
religious leaders of that time because they did not know the
reason Christ coming to the earth. But after God’s forgiveness of
our sins and when a Christian is born again he sends his Holy
Spirit to come dwell in our bodies and as 1 Corinthians 6:19
says your bodies are Gods temple. Paul was speaking of sexual
immorality here but what I am going to deal with today is
gluttony which is also one of the seven deadly sins. In Proverbs
23:2 it says to put a knife to your throat if you are given to
gluttony. This is a very difficult verse to except, but it is in the
Bible to help guide us. Now people will draw a clear line on
drunkenness but also forget the Bible places drunkenness and
gluttony in the same boat.
Food addiction is like any other addiction and has an affect on
your health. Obesity is spreading through America and the
Church. Now I Love and I mean Love Church dinners, but just
like I shouldn't come into Church drunk I shouldn't sit there and
commit the same sin. I would be the talk of the town if I came in
drunk but people have accepted gluttony.
Why do you think people have such a hard time with fasting
food. Matthew 4:2 says that “Now after fasting 40 days and 40
nights he was hungry.” Not catching up on social media. Fasting
is bringing the body under submission to the Spirit, to make the
body weak and led by the Spirit.
The devil uses this to make the Church more unproductive. Your
health has a direct affect on your ministry. If he can keep you
sick and tired and take 10 or so years off your life he has had a
direct affect on your ministry. Just know that I am not pointing
fingers at anybody but myself. I hope this will be as useful to
you as to me.
Benaiah Snider