Bible Verses That Have Meaning to Us
Part 1
It is important for us to memorize verses of the Bible, but have you ever wondered how many of those verses have real deep meaning to your everyday life. What do I mean? How many verses do you know that have a deep connection to your life and relationship to God. Everyone has different verses that really means something to them, I have five that are a part of my everyday life.
The first verse is one that everyone knows and it should have a deep meaning for everyone. The verse is John 3:16. This verse should remind us that God loved us so much and wanted a
relationship with us that He was willing to give up His only son for us. If you ever feel left alone or unloved, just remember that God loves you enough to sacrifice His son.
My second verse is Philippians 4:13 which reads, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse became important to me while I was in college, because there were times when I looked at what I had to get done and didn’t know how I was going to get it done on time. Then I remembered this verse and put everything in God’s hands and for some reason within ten minutes of my assignments being due, I was turning them in. Something that I would not be able to do on my own, I was able to do with God’s help.
The third verse is Proverbs 22:6 which says, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. While taking my family discipleship class, I came across this verse and I found that it gave me hope for members of my family. My sister and I were raised in a Christian home and knew and believed in Jesus as our Savior. Then in high school, my sister claimed that the Bible contradicted itself. When I asked her to explain, I realized she was taking two different stories and putting them together as one. When I tried to explain she would not listen, so I asked her to bring the Bible to me and prove it, but she wouldn’t. She just said that she could no longer believe the Bible, but still believed in Jesus and God. When she went to college, she fell in love and married a man from a devoted Catholic family, but he had turned his back on God. I had always wanted her to see the truth, but when I started down the path of becoming a youth minister, she had told me that we had grown up in a time when the Bible had been proven to be false. My heart started to really hurt for her, because I was afraid that she was getting farther away from God. What hurt the most was that she was going to raise her daughter in this belief. So I sent my niece religious information in the form of the Veggie Tales movies, with hopes that she would learn about God. Then I took my family discipleship class and the first day we learned that this
was the central verse for the class. I started to have hope again that one day both my sister and her husband would find their way back to God. Last year when they got ready to send my niece to preschool, they picked out a Christian Preschool for her. They may not have come back to God yet, but they are on their way.
Kathleen Sterling