There is Power in Prayer
“And all things you ask in prayer, believe and you will receive.” Matthew 21:22
One of our students who work in the cafeteria named Josh is a sweet young man. I could tell in my spirits something was bothering him because he was too quiet. I asked Josh if he was alright. He told me that his sister was in a car wreck and ejected out of the car and was five months pregnant. She was laying in a coma and had not moved for several days.
I asked Josh, “Do you want me to pray with you?” I took his hand and prayed. God lifted that burden off him and he went home that weekend to see his sister and mother. He told his mother about me praying and the mother asked what time was that? Josh said in the afternoon. The mother said the daughter’s hands and feet began to twitch. The baby survived the wreck and the sister will too.
I thank God that I work at a place where I can freely pray with these students.
Thank you sweet Jesus.
Bonnie Castleberry