You Are Not Alone!
Elijah felt alone and vulnerable. At a time when it was popular to worship idols, Elijah had served God faithfully. He had been “zealous” for God and boldly confronted hundreds of prophets of Baal. Yet, when threatened by Queen Jezebel, he suddenly became terrified and hid in a cave. Facing her threats, Elijah felt that he was the last faithful prophet, and the only person resisting evil. He seemed completely overwhelmed and outnumbered.
But God reminded him that he had no reason to be afraid or feel alone. In fact, seven thousand others had not bowed to Baal. Even more importantly, God still was in control! And, He still was with him. Elijah did not need to give up, or become discouraged.
How often we can feel like Elijah in that cave. We can sense that we are alone and vulnerable, and that there is no hope. These are moments to renew our relationship with God. To remember that He is with us in every situation. Even in those moments when we don’t feel His presence, He still is sovereign, and we can trust our lives to Him.
In your life, remember that God is with you right now. No matter how things may seem on the surface, you are not alone. Do not worry about circumstances, or allow fear to dominate your life. And don’t be sidetracked by distractions. Stay faithful. Fulfill His call on your life. Sow seeds into His Kingdom with the time, talent, and treasure that you have been given. Do not give up. Be persistent. Trust in Him.
“And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not” Galatians 6:9
Have a blessed day,
Pastor Chris Rich