The Trinity and Me?
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and you! It's a team approach. You are right in there, smack in the thick of it. How do we even measure up? Well we don't. We are qualified through God. We have been invited to the team. We were invited as a vital part of the team. Vital part? Each of us have a role to take on. God uses humans to do His work. You were uniquely made for this task. We are his servants. We are the body of Christ. For the body to perform even the simplest of tasks it takes working together. A connectedness. A like mindedness, and knowing God’s heart. It takes an understanding of the task to be performed. This instruction usually comes through intimate prayer time and reading His word.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". (Philippians 4:13). So we are limitless on this team. Because He is limitless. What is too difficult for our God? Nothing. Scripture says "nothing is impossible for God". (Luke 1:37)
Are we flying solo on this earth? Absolutely not. "Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27). All believers are on this team. You are qualified and get this, needed to perform that which God has equipped you to do! You are neither too young or to old that you do not have a place on this team. No disqualifiers!
This is not a spectator sport. We are to put feet to our prayers. Faith without works are dead.(James 2:14-26)
So to get the play book to know the next move we must put ourselves in the heart of God. Your reading this because you have the desire to know Him more. Keep praying, seeking, and putting feet to your faith. Our natural body does not survive without the physical heart. Our spiritual body does not survive without the Trinity, (the spiritual heart) of which you are invited to interact with through your personal relationship with God.
Pastor Shane Carder