Being a Kid
My wife often tells me that I should grow up and stop acting like a kid. It makes me stop and think about how God tells us at times to be more like a child. We should give of ourselves like the child who gave up his lunch (Matthew 14). The Bible also tells us we should humble ourselves like the child you set at Jesus’ feet (Matthew 18). But one story that I really like is the one in 1 Peter 2:2. The Bible tells says, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the Word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.
We must remember the pure dependency a baby has on their earthly parents to sustain it and help it grow through feeding it and sheltering it. We must depend on God’s Word to daily feed us and shelter us from evil. The more we get into the Word the more we will grow and mature in our walk with God, much like a baby grows and develops the more it is fed.
A strengthened walk with Christ by longing after His Word and His presence will help us through all the troubles and trials of life that the devil will try and throw at us.
Prayer: Lord please give us a longing and a stirring I our hearts each day to connect with you through your Word so that we may grow in our walk with you.
Pastor Brandon Scott