Spiritual Meal-Course #1: The Amuse Bouche
In our previous devotion, we looked at a 5 course meal plan to maintain our “Spiritual appetite.” The first course in a 5 course meal is called the amuse bouche, or amuse. It sets the course and brings the “theme” to the diner. This course should excite and prepare us for the dinner to come. It should stimulate our appetite!
The amuse is brought to the table....served ”To Remind Ourselves How much God Loves Us”. This part of our meal should excite and stimulate our craving. Let's take a bite and wake up our spiritual “taste buds” of how much God loves us!
We looked at Ephesians 3:18-19 earlier, seeing where Paul prayed for the Ephesians; to have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- to be filled to the measure of ALL the fullness of God. Being strengthen by God's power, take in and digest this wonderful mystery of God. His love for us is as wide as His arms can encompass the universe. As long and high as the depths of the world to His throne room of glory!
Let's savor that He created us in HIS image, therefore God has emotions, as do we, but He does not have mood swings! All of God's emotions are rooted in his holy nature and are always expressed sinlessly; how He perfectly ordained them. When we read scripture, we see mentioned many of God's emotions such as anger, compassion, grief, hate (Prov 6:16), jealousy, joy, laughter, and love! As He sits across the table with you, taste His perfect and pure emotion for you. His love is faultless for you.
God loves with agape, the love described in 1 Corinthians 13. The one you are having dinner with, loves you so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for you to be reunited with His creation again! He is so patient and kind with you. He will never be rude or easily angered with you. He rejoices and protects you. His love will never fail you! God loves you like this, even when His child is not seeking to please and love Him; imagine His emotions when you are!
How is this first course? Are your taste buds indicating that God's love for you is exploding? Prepare your appetite for the second course....the Soup. It can get hot in the kitchen preparing this course! We will turn up the heat and prepare ourselves for the Entree (or appetizer) and Main Dish of our “Spiritual Meal”.
Bon a petite (may you enjoy your meal with a good appetite),
Pastor Linelle Meadows