Woe is Me
1st Kings chapter 19; Elijah is having a pity party. Jezebel had threatened to kill him following his great victory over her prophets of Baal. When God questioned him his answer was, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too. (Verse 14.) A great wind came, an earthquake, and then a fire. God wasn’t in either one. He spoke in a still small voice. Oft time during our pity parties, we are so busy moaning and groaning we fail to hear when he speaks.
Before moving to the Branson area, I lived on the fourteenth floor of a large apartment building. Now I am thrilled I can sit on our deck and listen to the sounds of nature. A variety of birds singing and calling to one another, squirrels jumping from tree to tree barking and even an occasional silent armadillo scurrying by on his nightly forage. If I am in one of my self-pity parties, I can read His word and listen to His creation. Then I realize I have no problem he can’t help me through.
The times He speaks directly into my soul is beyond description. His loving instruction and correction help me out of my self-pity. When you are going through a problem, that’s the time he is the closest to you.
What a great God we serve.
Nona Brewer