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What does revival look like in today’s church?

We have so many restraints like with all the hustle and bustle if you will. We have so many events and time factors. I like what I heard someone say one time “I'm being busy but not getting anything really accomplished.” Have you ever felt like that? I know I have. Now don't get me wrong I think you should have plans and have things organized but where do we have an open mind to say if the Holy Spirit was to move could we and would we be able to

move with Him?

I have heard it said many times and most people do say they want “revival” but do they really? Do you? Most people (not excluding myself) forget the cost for revival, the sacrifice to have a move of God. Every move of God throughout the years had a few factors in common. They all started with prayer and sacrifice. Although you may feel like you could do this it costs more than you know, but it is always worth it! All night prayer meetings cost you time you could be sleeping. Sacrificing your time instead of going to the mall or going with your kids all over God’s green earth. Having revival services night after night pushing aside other events and scheduled meetings to be in the presence of God. How long could you do this for? How could you do this? Why would you do this? My answer to all of these questions is with a question, are souls worth it? Is seeing people radically set free from bondage of addictions and oppressions worth it? Yes!

Revival is coming because I believe there is a group of us ready to sacrifice and pray until it happens..

Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Love you all From the heart of Pastor Chris Rich

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