Take Time
This past weekend I was able to go to Colorado and hike in the Rocky Mountain National Park. The trip was to take time with my brother in law and my cousins. We backpacked up into the mountains taking all of our gear and supplies that we would need. Basically, being unplugged from the world.
The first day we were there we hiked up the mountain and found a 500 foot waterfall, of course we had to climb it. The climb was hard and a bit tricky but we all were able to make the climb. Once up all of us were blown away with the view. My brother in law has traveled the world put he even said this is the most beautiful place on earth. While looking at the view I was overcome by the wonder of God. God spoke his word and the Earth and the Heavens were formed. With one breath he breathed life into this place that I was in awe of, the greatness of God my mind cannot even begin to understand. I could not help myself I began to praise God, I started to give thanks to God for the beauty of what he had created.
I thought to myself on the way back down how blessed that I was to be able to see what I had just viewed. Then began to think of all that he had created. The ocean in all of its vastness the mountains in all of their beauty, and I thought to myself I get so consumed with day to day life that I miss just how great our God is. I need to take time and look at all that he has created so that I never take for granted he made this beautiful earth and placed me in it. May I never look at any situation that I am going through and forget just how great my God is.
Pastor Benaiah Snider