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Through Your Hands

All four Gospels tell the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with the loaves and fishes. What a great story. It lets us know: 1. Jesus is the bread of life, 2. He provides for both soul and body, 3. His power to do miracles.

The disciples brought the loaves and fishes to Jesus; he blessed, broke them, and gave to the disciples and they gave to the people. He worked his miracle through the disciples' hands. He still works through the hands of wiling people. Oft times we make excuses; I’m not a teacher or preacher; I can’t sing. Just present yourself to the Lord. He will do the rest. Have you witnessed to that lost neighbor, took a meal to a sick friend, or run an errand for someone that in unable to get out of the house. There are many things we can do to show our Christian love. It’s not always noticed by others, but God sees and blesses. When I praise the Lord, I hold my hands with palms up asking God to fill them with what I need. How can I be used if I don’t first present something to Him? Remember the disciples brought the loaves and fishes to Jesus. He then blessed, broke and gave to them to feed the people.

Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God,- this is your spiritual act of worship Romans 12:1 (NIV)

Nona Brewer

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