New Beginnings
Welcome to 2018! I thought that a year like this I would be zooming through the air in some king of spaceship; I guess I watched too many science fiction movies as a youngster and believed in “Flash Gordon”. At least, I have moved up to a 2000 Honda instead of a 1992 van. Yeah!
I love the first day of a new year because it means I got through the last one in one piece and everything is new. It’s like the first day of school! I picked out my new devotionals and I have started through the bible once again; I have my word from the Lord. Last year it was “gratitude” and this year it is being a Servant. I have a small knick-knack that portrays Christ washing Peter’s feet. I have been involved in “foot washings” in the past but it didn’t hit home until I found a picture. I put it in a frame to remind me how it really was at that time—the feet are filthy, covered with dirt, dust, etc. The feet are not pretty-nails not clipped and that’s just the feet! Jesus calls us to care about our enemies, the lost, etc. We can barely deal with our own “family”. I have always had great admiration for Mother Theresa of Calcutta. It was known that when the nuns located a terrible situation, they would call for her. She would go to those dying from disease, often found in the streets and minister to them. She would pray as they died in her arms. Such compassion she had and such compassion my Savior had for the lost, the broken, the weak, the sinner. I am truly humbled by His willingness to die for me, for you, for the world just so we can be united with the Father. I want to be a better servant in 2018 and I have a way to go! How about you?
I have a relative who is going through difficult times. She is young and trying to straighten her life out without Christ. She’s unemployed, living in the basement of a relative and has a large debt. School loans must be paid off and she’s not working. I was telling her how excited I am about the new year and a new beginning. She wanted to k now how that worked since she’s in the same situation with the same worries, etc. We have talked about how she is trying to make changes without the Lord-but sins have consequences! I know all about sin but I also know all about “being a new creature in Christ”. I know and believe in the God I serve and He makes a way through difficult times. I know that many people have entered into this new year like her- with situations-maybe sickness, financial needs, lost children, unemployed, job difficulties, caregiver situations, etc.
My Bible studies have kept the words HAVE COURAGE in front of my eyes; BE OBEDIENT to the Holy Spirit. Remember, “I go before you into the next day and you know how the Book ends.” I am weak but He is strong in all situations. So, family, let us resolve to be a better servant this year. How? Listen to the Pastor, read and read the Word, pray and pray and pray, love with all your soul, heart, mind and spirit. Let us be “lights” that point others to the Savior. Enjoy 2018!
Sharon White