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Happy Mother's Day

I have a new respect for mothers this Mother’s Day. A mother’s love is like the love listed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says “Love suffers long and is king; love does not envy: love does not parade itself, is not puffed up does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Once the little one joins the family a mother’s life is changed forever. She doesn’t sleep the first few months, because she is up every couple of hours feeding and changing the little one. Once the little one starts sleeping for a longer time at night, the new mother can start getting some sleep. If the little one wakes up in the middle of the night, it is the mother who gets up and takes care of the little one. Once the little one sleeps through the night, there will be nights when they wake up and won’t go back to sleep for hours. It is the mother who is up for those two hours, because the little one is up.

One of my co-workers has a little boy two months older than Shawna and he loves to talk for those two hours in the middle of the night, Shawna just wants to play. If the little one or dad gets sick, it is the mother who is taking care of them. If the mother gets sick, she just fights through it because she can’t take off to take care of herself. She only gets a day off if she is so sick that she is stuck in bed. As soon as she is well enough to get out of bed, she is back to taking care of everything, even if she is not back to normal.

Once the little one is older, the mother will be the one getting them up for school, taking them to sports practice, sports games, and other activities. She will even get up early to make sure the little one has everything for the day. She does all of this while also working, cleaning the house, making sure her family eats healthy, and being the last one to bed. The mother will do this until the day her last little one leaves home.

There are some mothers who are lucky to have a husband who helps them out sometimes, or helps the mothers a lot.

I ask you this Mother’s day, have you told your mother, thank you for everything she did or is doing. Men have you thanked your wife for everything she does. To all mothers young and old, “Thank You and Happy Mother’s Day.”

Love, Kathleen Sterling

P.S. Ever since my health started to be really affected, David has stepped up, so I can get my strength and health back to normal.

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