Our Reckless Love
In the song “Reckless Love” there is a line that goes “There’s no shadow You won’t light up. Mountain You won’t climb up, coming after me. There’s no wall You won’t kick down. No lie You won’t tear down, coming after me.” While we were at camp that Monday night, the guest speaker, Pastor Chris Brooks, told the kids that he wanted them to sing that course differently by the end of the week. He wanted to hear them sing “There’s no shadow I won’t light up. Mountain I won’t climb, coming after You. There’s no wall I won’t kick down. No lie I won’t tear down, coming after You.”
What does it mean to us to change the words to say that we want to chase God instead of having God chase us?
You see God is willing to light up any shadow, climb any mountain, kick down any wall, and tear down any lie that would keep us from Him. God is also willing to leave behind 99 half believing souls in order to come after a soul that will truly believe in Him. He is also willing to leave behind 99 souls that are right with Him that will be fine while He goes and get that soul that is ready to be right with Him too. He is also willing to leave behind 99 souls that just don’t want to believe in Him in order to get that one soul that is on the verge of becoming a believer.
If God is willing to do all of that for us, then why can’t we be willing to do that for Him? Why are we not willing to light up the shadows that are hiding us from God, so that we can get to know God? Why are we not willing to climb that mountain that was put in front of us, that wants to discourage us from going and finding God? Why are we not willing to kick down those walls that keep blocking our path in search of God? Why are we not willing to tear down those lies that the Devil keeps telling us that keeps us from the truth about God?
Are you ready to change the lyrics to “Reckless Love” today? Are you ready to sing “There’s no shadow I won’t light up. Mountain I won’t climb, coming after You. There’s no wall I won’t kick down. No lie I won’t tear down, coming after You.” Because I’m ready to light up those shadows, climb those mountains, kick down those walls, and tear down those lies. I want us to find our God, who loves us recklessly because we don’t deserve His love and we can never earn it, but He gives it away anyways. If He can love us recklessly, we can love Him back recklessly too.
So the next time you are praising God for loving us so recklessly, stop and tell Him how much you love Him and how you want to love Him that recklessly too. “There’s no shadow I won’t light up. Mountain I won’t climb, coming after You. There’s no wall I won’t kick down. No lie I won’t tear down, coming after You.”