Our Precious Babies: Where Showing God's Love Begins
There is nothing in this world like having a little one in your arms. That feeling moves you beyond all measure. Here you have a little being to shape, mold and nurture, their every need totally dependent upon you. Their greatest need….. Getting to know the love of their heavenly Father.
They learn this by our words, by how we live our own lives in front of them, and by loving arms that cannot wait to reach out and pick them up. To not only be told how much that they are loved but to genuinely feel that love exudes from the ones that are holding them is their strongest source of security.
Whether you still have small children in your homes or not, find time to love the children in our church and say a blessing over them just as Christ did. Just as it is ours, this is their Sanctuary. The love that you will receive back is in the purest form found this side of heaven.
And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them.
Mark 10:16