Little Church on the Hillside Part 2
Did you know that there are over 33,830 denominations of Christian faith in the world? Why so many? I don’t really have the “right” answer to give you-and as a new Christian making a choice about their “sanctuary” isn’t easy! Do I go to the little church on the hillside with a picket fence, steeple and bell; how about the biggest church in town that offers so much for one to do-teen ministry, huge children’s department, stuff going on all the time, etc. We could count ourselves as part of the big church, come once a week and do everything else in a “cell group”-you have a little bit of both. Why so many church denominations?
You have to decide if you are Baptist, Pentecostal, United, Holiness, Charisma, no musical instruments or some, no preacher just alternate elders; men on one side, women on another, King James Version, NIV, and I could go on and on about what is offered to the new believer.
Many times, Christians go to church because that is where their “family” goes. Others leave a church they like because someone offended them. There are still people that think “Heaven” is going to be like their church.
Sadly, Christians have become known more for what we’re against than for what we believe in. Just think what it is like for mortal man to make a decision for Jesus in this world today; but praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit. I know these two things-there’s only one name that matters-Jesus (John 17:20-23); He leads and we follow and we are known by our love for one another. If we do those two things then we are on the right path and your Creator will lead you to the church you attend and will give you the ministry that He has prepared you for-in a small church like Marion attends or in a large one. Of course, it could be like my church-middle of the road-not big not small but just right!