Wondrous Plans
I, the Lord, am bringing new and fresh revelation to you, Beloved of Mine, about the power of atonement. You see, when you actually believe and accept that I have given you the clear(ing) from all your wrong doings, bad thoughts, ill gotten acquisitions, even “spoken” wickedness..., then you will understand the value I place on you. Creation and humankind was My idea of beauty and love to be pleasured and enjoyed. The many facets of My Person I planned to be gifts to My very own, to bind the broken-hearted, to open the prison doors, to set the captives free, and to show them the way of Salvation! Truly I tell you I was not the author of your troubles, but I am indeed the Rescuer, Helper, and God, whom in all occasions brings you out of all your troubles! Release, finally, this day, any remnant of filth(like every reason you have disqualifying the place and plan I assuredly custom ordered for you). I forged(cautiously took the time for)a magnificent composition of a spirit, clothed just so and radiating specifically the love of Me, and love like Mine. Accept then, entirely, My dispensation of grace, favor, and office by personal design. If I am Your Lord, follow through, for I am leading you; and the ekklesia is looking and functioning as a body that knows, and values all its parts! I invite you anew, to get away with Me, so not only My goodness is reconfirmed through every acknowledgeable sense and gateway; but that you may be enlightened in the depths and heights, and widths and lengths of a life of wondrous turns, where you always see ME THERE.
II Tim.1:9 who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
II Tim.2:7 Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things.