Don’t Minimize Your Fast
Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 (NASB)
Never underestimate the power or significance of your fast. During the following few days we will spend time studying how God can use your fast. But before we begin take note of the importance of your fast. Yielding your life to God, allows Him to take control. When God is in control it is beyond our comprehension what can be accomplished. In Hannah’s case, she wanted a son. A child for an inheritance or legacy of faith. But God wanted more. He sees us not as we are but as what we can be for Him. God was willing to answer Hannah’s prayer. She wanted a child but God wanted a Prophet. God wanted a leader and a judge. Hannah’s faithful consecration and fasting was the key to unlock the door for God’s people, to break the chain of depraved indifference in the temple and set Israel on the right path again.
Hannah’s fasting not only set her in a position for a spiritual break through but it set in motion God’s will for an entire nation. We have said from the beginning that our definition of fasting for this study is to abstain from eating and drinking anything but water. There are many who fast other things like TV, chocolate or social media. It is a good thing to fast anything that might potentially come between you and your relationship with God. However, the more seriously you approach your fasting and prayer, the more serious the results will be.
Fasting helps us bring our flesh into submission and makes us stronger when standing against the temptations of the devil. If we aren’t careful we can have our attention diverted or begin to believe in false benefits of fasting. In Hannah’s case, she pushed away from the table. She kept her eyes on the Lord and sought Him passionately. The results were more than she expected or even asked for. What God gave her, she gave back for His service. She not only had more children but the nation of Israel gained a prophet and leader. What Hannah brought to God was increased not only for her but for others. Don’t minimize your fast. Ask and receive from God. Let Him have His way in your life.
Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over. Luke 6:38 (NASB)
[endif]--Bible Reading: Proverbs 3 ![endif]--