Our Family
Several years ago in September, my sister, niece and I were
traveling to Rapid City, S.D for my brother's 90th
birthday. Driving from Wall, S.D. an unseasonably wind and
snow storm began to unleash itself which made it hard to keep
our van from drifting. Few vehicles were on that stretch of
road, except for two semis. One in front of us and one in
back. The one in front had "student driver" on the bumper and
he was swaying all over the road as the wind whipped him back
and forth.
Suddenly the semi behind me passed me and came along side
the student driver's semi. He stayed in the outside lane, making
a wind break so that inexperienced driver had better control of
his truck. In fact he stayed in that lane for several miles. It was
a two-lane divided highway and there was no way I could have
passed if I so desired. But at that moment the Holy Spirit put
these thoughts in my mind. Driver number two has just become
a buddy/friend to that student driver. He stayed with him as
long as was needed until the storm calmed. I seriously doubt
they knew each other since they were from different trucking
companies, but at that moment one became a true friend.
We often say that our church is a family. But are we? We greet
one another at the services, we visit when there is a church
potluck, but what about the rest of the time? I heard someone
say they had been attending a certain church for three years,
enjoyed the preaching and teaching, but no one had ever gone
out of their way to make them part of the family except at
Do we welcome a new family member by just shaking hands?
Did I get my new daughter-in-law’s name? How about her phone
number? Did I check on her when she was sick? Did I miss her
at the Christmas dinner and just let it go? I hope not. I hope
our family relationship is more than just a meet and greet. The
book of Acts tells us the Christians went from house to house
sharing their meals with gladness of heart. Sometimes we
become members of a church, but that's all it amounts too, just
a name in a book.
I'm going to try and be more pro-active when I see a church
member absent a few services. I hope to make different ones
feel a part of the family by inviting them to join me for a meal,
go shopping, play dominoes or things that I do with my blood
family. Could I encourage us all to really make our church a
Proverbs 18 tells us "there is a friend that sticks closer than a
I am so glad that some have reached out to me. I definitely want
to do the same to others.