Examples of Relationships
Some objectives Jesus had before He chose who would be His friends.
Taking time to pray about relationships is vital. Luke 6:12-13 - Jesus prayed all night before He chose the 12 closest people to Him.
Close relationships need to be people of obedience to God. - John 15:14 Jesus said, “I call you friends if you do what I command you.”
Jesus had relationships that were made by spending time together. Living life out loud...not hiding anything. Mark 3:14 - Spending real life together.
Jesus had real relationships that He could share secret things and His very heart. John 15:15 – Sharing those deep things. Matthew 13:11
In relationships and friendships you are able to be open and honest. In John 6:66-68 many of His disciples left Him because they could not receive the meat of the word or being a little tough. His true friends were thus separated from those who were just acquaintances. Your real true friends will stand by you.
Real true friends will be with you in tough times, storms, and rocky situations. Luke 22:28-29 Shows you and I that His closest friends were those who stuck it out with Him during His early trials. Real friends stick closer than a brother.
• Having real friends are vital in life.
A real relationship with someone is what the heart really desires all the time.
A true friend helps me to keep my head above the water.
Father God, I come to you in Jesus name. Help me to be a friend and reflect your love and nature. Remind me each day to lay down my life or desires. John 15:13