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The Armor of God. We all know we are supposed to put on the whole armor of God daily, but what does our armor look like? What I mean by this is, does our armor look like we have been in battle, or is it just shiny because we spend so much time worried about it we don’t use it?

The Bible tells us that:

James 1:12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

We are going to have trials and tests in life, and yes, we need to be studied up and have the Word in us so that we can be ready for when life comes at us. We should be living a life for Christ in such a way that we have to use our armor on a daily basis and go to battle with the enemy. Although this can be scary and intimidating some times, remember that Jesus has overcome the world and nothing that comes against us can prevail if we continue to live in a daily walk with him. Be encouraged today to not just wear the armor of God but be prepared to use it in battle against the enemy and fight to win souls to the kingdom.

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