Heart Cry
Have you pursued the groaning of your heart? Have you pressed in because of your many burdens? I, the Lord, give unto My people these weights for a reason; I, indeed, give the ache of labour! Plenty there is in the doom of the day... climate disasters, political posturing, necessary pending changes... and a return to a nation under God. Respect is lacking in all stations with people... but I will lift up the humble. So GO to your safe haven, that being ME, in all your circumstances, and keep plain your ask unto Me! ... for I am clarity in the midst of chaos, peace in the storm, and surety in uncertain times. I am the Rock of Salvation, and the Lord of your life. MY providence will keep you and preserve, and you shall Thank Me with plenteous praise! Difficult times bring people to their knees; where prayers, repentance, and humility abounds! I shall answer in time of need, as I will remember you for My seeking, the pursuit of Thy God.
Romans 10:8,11 "Salvation comes from trusting Christ--which is the message we preach--is already with in easy reach. In fact, the Scriptures say,"The message is close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart."
As the Scriptures tell us, "Anyone who believes in him will not be disappointed."