Going to the Temple to Pray
Today I am going to share a weapon that I have in my arsenal. This is something that is very valuable in a person’s walk with Christ. We are all warriors and there will be times when the warfare in your life gets intense and sometimes you pick up a few wounds or hurts. This is not a bad thing it only means that you are either taking new territory or refusing to give any up. This weapon is a vital part of warfare in that you get bandaged back up or are looking for direction.
For me this means going to the temple and staying there for 24 hrs. This is not locking myself in a room it is carrying on in normal life but locking in on the steps.
24 hrs of prayer is a reboot, and is a vital part of healing. For me it is three stages, just like in the Old Testament when the priest would come to the temple. There were 3 chambers and thus the 3 steps.
A time of emptying myself out. You might say getting rid of all the junk. My thoughts, blame of others, and a time of repenting, and repenting. An all-out cleansing. The first room of the Temple
2. A time of worship
This is where you praise God for His grace, His love, His mercy. This is a time where nothing else enters your mind but worship to God. This is a time where your worship of God also in turn heals your heart. I receive most of my healing doing this very thing. In the Old Testament. This is the second room of the temple.
3. This is a time of direction, The Holy of Holies
The steps of a righteous man are ordered by The Lord. This is a time where I do no talking about my needs but only listening. The first two steps are a time of healing and restoration. The third step is a time of being quiet and praying for direction. For me this is a time of Holy reverence, I do not take this time lightly nor am I concerned with anything else but what my God is speaking to me. This is the third room of the temple and only the High Priest comes into this room. The third step is reserved for Gods voice speaking into my life.
After the three steps, I have found that His will is more important than my will. And whatever I was facing no longer has any power over my mind but I am realigned with Gods and His power.
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”
1 Corinthians 6:19 NASB