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God Brings Good Out of Every Circumstance

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

One of the statements under “I Am Secure” in the “Who I Am In Christ” in the Freedom In Christ Discipleship class list is based on this verse. Read it through a couple of times. What does it say to you?

It’s important to note that the verse doesn’t say that God causes all the circumstances of our life, just that He will work in them for our good. If something bad happens we can be tempted to blame God. But that would be to ignore the reality of Satan and also the fact that other people have free will and sometimes use that free will badly in a way that affects us negatively.

What this verse promises, however, is that, no matter what we go through, God will ensure that He turns it to good as we co-operate with Him. It tells us that He has specifically called us for a purpose and that no circumstance we can experience can get in the way of that. I encourage you to spend some time thanking God that you are absolutely secure in Him and for the fact that He is actively working to bring good out of even the worst circumstances of your life.

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