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Being Led

I, the Lord, can see that you are eager and wanting My witness, in your pursuits and answers to questions. My Word is full of examples of how, by My Spirit, My people were led to victory and freedom, and heard My instruction about what to do next. I rightfully, and with your cooperation and love for Me, want to guide even with the most difficult and persistent afflictions. For the most part...great is the weight one can bear for a time, but we are all in need of a sign and a rhema word, to take us thru to completion and emancipation! Lean in with gusto, Beloved, and set your mind and heart with this very thing: "the thoughts and plans I have for you are of good; to prosper you and exemplify My faithfulness... to bless you as My love is BIG! Do not dismay or grow frustrated. Bathe yourself in the richness of My word and you stall stand untouchable to the winds and the waves...and hear Me whisper your next step.

Deut. 33:25 May the bolts of your gates be of iron and bronze; may your strength match the length of your days!

Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.

Romans 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

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