Why Christmas?
Jesus Came so that we who were poor in spirit might become rich! How in the world does that happen? Most of us are familiar with the term guilt by association. That means if I hang around with a fellow who has committed a crime, I may be considered guilty also because of my close relationship with him. And as a young man I remember hanging around the wrong group and it cost me.
Let’s turn that idea or concept around and you have got Christmas. It is Grace by association all the grace of God is available to me by virtue of my relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s like this, all riches, all power, all the prestige of his good name is mine and yours. But someone would say, “You don’t deserve that!” Indeed, I don’t that’s the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. If I deserved it, I wouldn’t need Jesus. But through my association with Jesus, suddenly all has changed. Spiritually rich with benefits.
Here’s a great word for us all, imputation. It is what happens when I come to Jesus. He takes away my sin, and I take on his righteousness. I don’t earn it, it is imputed to me. It is credited to my account. Grace by association. I was lost, empty, no purpose, poor and had only filthy rags. But now by his grace, Christmas has come. I am a new creator in Christ, old things are gone or passed away; behold all things have become new. New life with new benefits! 2 Cor. 5:17