A Gift
For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. Acts 1:5
We are blessed to be able to keep our grandchildren while their parents work. Our days are always eventful! Our grandson is 2, he is starting to talk more and is saying funny things. We find ourselves laughing most of the day about something he has said or done. He is a busy little guy and keeps us on our toes. Our little princess is 5. She will be starting school next year and we will miss her imagination and company.
It has been wonderful to be able to go on adventures, “have school” and just share “life” with our grandchildren. Since they are with us every day, they are often with us when we make a trip to the grocery store or Walmart. I guess we are guilty of bribing them to be good in public places by buying small prizes, a package of gum, a bouncy ball or Captain American band aids!
The children love little gifts, but you know, so do I! A gift is a way to say thank you or I love you. Wouldn’t you like to get a gift every day? You can. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit. The baptism in the Spirit is intended for all who are saved. This gift brings power and boldness. The Holy Spirit is a comforter so we are never alone. The Holy Spirit will fill us when we yield ourselves to Him.
If you haven’t received this gift. Just ask. Today. Turn from that which offends God and surrender to God’s will. If you have, be sure to sustain fullness in the Spirit through prayer and worship. Are you allowing The Holy Spirit to use you with one of the nine gifts: tongues, interpretation, prophecy, the gift of faith, the gift of healing, the working of miracles, the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge and the distinguishing of spirits? Donald C. Stamps said, However powerful the initial coming of the Holy Spirit on the believer may be, if this does not find expression in a life of prayer, witness and holiness, the experience will soon become a fading glory.
Don’t let the glory fade.