Don’t Deny Jesus
Did Peter disown Jesus because he grew tired and fell asleep? At Gethsemane, Peter was asked by Jesus, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. Matthew 26:41
If you keep reading, Peter fell asleep again, and later in Matthew 26:69-74, Peter denies he knows Jesus three times, and the rooster crowed. How many times have we fallen asleep on Jesus? How many times have we denied Jesus by living in sin? We must stay ready and hide the Word in our hearts.
Psalm 119:11, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
During this time of “safer at home,” we have been given time to put away the world and genuinely seek the Father. We do not have sports, concerts, and other things of this world. Turn off the TV and your phone and seek The Lord. It is our time as a body of Christ to equip ourselves in such a way to defeat the enemy. The enemy will continue to attack, and we must put on the armor of God and fight the battle as a strong united unit. Run to the Father, and you will find protection and peace.