Nailed It
We talked the other day in the youth group about the power of a nail. You see a nail is a preferred method by a lot of people when it comes to building, fastening, and securing things together. So we took a couple of functions of a nail and talked about how they apply to us as a Christian. The first thing is that a nail pierces through whatever its obstacle is in front of it.
Nails go through some really tough things, and as Christians sometimes we feel as though we have some walls or problems in our lives that can’t be pierced through to find healing or help but Jesus Christ was pierced on Calvary for our transgressions.
“Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions.”
Another function of a nail to join things together. You see a screw can work its way back out backward, or for example, go back to its past. But when a nail is drove deep into something to join two things together it is almost impossible to make it go backward. Much like Jesus’ love for us. He has called us his child and no matter what there is no going back when we live in him.
Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
And finally, the third thing we looked at with nails is that they are secure. When things are nailed together it makes a very strong bond between the two things. In our case as Christians, it is an everlasting love that Jesus had nailed to a cross. It’s not the cross that saves us, but it is a symbol that helps us remember the love that God has for us each and every day that he gave his Son to be nailed to it so that we may have eternal life with him.
John 3:16 “For God so love the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life.”
I encourage you to walk in that love today and know that 2 thousand plus years ago those nails did so much. They nailed our sins up permanently to be taken from us, they made a stronger bond between us and the father, and they help remind us of the love He has for us. You are loved, forgiven, and free in Christ today!