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His Thumbprint I See

Have you, Beloved, gone back and pondered on the day- such as the day of your covenant union, and reminisced and relived: 1. What that looked and felt like? 2. What thoughts you had? 3. How God was ministering to you? 4. The state of your heart?

For me, clarity of heart and mind and spirit stands out, in the midst of moving parts. A day affirmed, settled, unquestionable certainty of my chosen path with the one I love still! The day was beautiful, yes, but the gladness of heart to this day is overwhelming. A big decision was so easy to make, because I was all in for this person, whom I adore. God was shining upon us, smiling for us, and already working on us. Secure love -powerful and anchoring- putting asunder all distractions and even concerns...the bumps on the road have tested the “endure, persevere, remain” posture a time or two, but the fruit of fighting the good fight of faith unto victory, has been a cherished and valuable prize! He delivers you from all your troubles(Psalms 50:15,54:7) He will not allow your foot to slip or to be moved, He who keeps you will not slumber(Psalm 121:3).

Our part, you see, is to keep abreast and detect the heart of the Father, for in His love we are kept, in His word we are steady, in His ways we are sound, and impactful, and strong. Go to your Memorial bench, and ponder on your “marked moments of distinction”, where you experienced pure fullness of joy gladness and assuredness of “all is well with me, and mine! ; and with this in mind, grace went before you and favour was your fragrance...

The Lord awaits encounters of intimate honesty and transparency, in the chambers of disrobing with His Beloved, where the heart gets naked and most likely weeps, and one crawls into His longing embrace and heals.

Song of Solomon 3:11 Go forth, O you daughters of Zion, and gaze upon King Solomon wearing the crown with which his mother [Bathsheba] crowned him on the day of his wedding, on the day of his gladness of heart.

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