Heavens Manifesto
Father-Lord-Precious Holy Spirit... I thank you that without complexity, we are encouraged to step out and pray for wonders AND miracles, as the Kingdom has come upon us. It is my deep desire to understand the deep and mysterious of God, who knowing ALL, being EVERYWHERE, and able to change Sovereignly... served AND suffered, and brought the good news of the kingdom for the continuance of a people; not only made for His pleasure, but planned with a destiny of glorious GOOD. Salvation in Christ is a moment of decision in time; but it is the commencement of a lifetime that reveals hunger for Him, trust in Him, dependency on Him, love for Him, ever growing understanding of Him. We also experience trials, hurts, failures, disappointments, betrayals along the way-NOT HIS DOING- for there is no ill intent in Our Lord; but because we don’t see the whole picture... because there is a defiler and accuser out there... because we slip from grace into “flesh-mode”, which is never good. Battles we face-here and there, and we go on “alert” mode so we are not caught unawares. Just like dressing up for the occasion, I am conscious everyday more, of the fact that the kingdom is with us and its power; and we become points of contact and conduits of release for the manifestations of His glory. The flesh wants to feel and forge and toil and perceive; but truly get -that in His Spirit-release, trust, and say - in childlike faith, what the Lord has made available and accessible to you already. ... remember- your faith has made you well! Jeremiah 33:3 Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know I Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.