Who Are You Following?
This is fun, Jane and I will get there at the same time. When she turned into the drive, I followed right behind her. We got out of our vehicles and laughed about going in together.
Blanche, our group hostess, normally has her front door unlocked for us to walk right in. But when we tried to open the door, it was locked. I rang the doorbell and dogs started barking from inside the house.
Looking around, Jane said, “Oh no, we are at the wrong house.” Embarrassed, we hurried back to our cars, backed up and pulled into the driveway next door.
Following Jane that day didn’t cause any harm, but it did remind me that mindlessly following others can lead me astray. Whereas following God always leads to what is best for me.
I have participated in gossip, instead of leaving the area or stopping the conversation. A hurt friend and strained relationship resulted from the untruths. As a teen-ager I allowed a group to convince me to go with them into a bar to order drinks, even when I knew better. I still remember the foolishness and shame I experienced.
When I have followed God’s Word to forgive others, I’ve had peace with no resentment.
Trusting God instead of worrying about my health, children, and marriage leaves me with contentment and hope. Keeping my mouth shut instead of voicing complaints about others leaves me with no regrets.
Following God with my choices is the wise decision.
“This is what the LORD says-- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17 (NIV)