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Avoid Gossip

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my Heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

People think of witchcraft as coming against the body of Christ. However, there is another means through which Satan binds people with curses: misled Christians. Gossip and backbiting among Christians are primary gates through which curses and witchcraft gain access into the church.

Until the body of Christ learns to pray for one another, we will continually find ourselves being manipulated by demons. Consider this: the most common activity of Christians when they discover sin or failure is not to weep and pray but to descend into the darkness of gossip. Such unbridled talk brings what amounts to a curse against the individual who has stumbled. It ministers death—witchcraft under the influence of a religious spirit—that manifests in a tangible way, covering all involved like a shroud.

If you have a problem with a fellow Christian, go to God about the matter. Find His heart before you talk to people. You will find that He is more concerned for their welfare than you imagined. (Excerpt: Francis Frangipane)

Dear Jesus, too often I fail to represent You well to those around me because of backbiting and gossip. Thank You that Your forgiveness is always available. Let me turn to You when situations arise. Amen.

Pastor Greg Volich


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