Be Aware
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. John 16:8
The Greek word for reprove is elencho. It means to expose, convict, or convince. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit means we will be more aware or sensitive to sin that grieves the Holy Spirit. When we are more deeply aware of the judgment of God against sin and ungodliness, the more we will seek after righteousness. The more we seek after righteousness, the more glory our life will bring to Jesus Christ. We will have a greater desire to pray, a deeper love for others, more understanding in study of God’s Word and a strong desire to bring the Gospel to the lost.
We ALL have a need to seek forgiveness. The Holy Spirit will expose our sin and unbelief awakening conviction in our lives. How can we be a vessel of honor if we don’t turn from what offends God? We are faced with a choice once conviction is awakened. Will our repentance be true and heartfelt? We will be painfully aware of God’s standard of righteousness. However, we will also be aware of the saving power of the cross. Sin may be exposed, and evil identified but true repentance brings power to overcome.
Surrendering our will to God’s will prepare us to be used by God. We must sustain that fullness through a life of prayer, feet ready to witness, a heart full of worship and a desire for holiness. Donald C. Stamps commentary in the Life in the Spirit Bible says, “The baptism in the Holy Spirit brings personal boldness and the power of the Spirit into the believer’s life in order to accomplish mighty works in Christ’s name and to make one’s witness and proclamation effective.”
I want to be aware. I want to seek forgiveness so I can be effective for Christ. Will you join me?
November 30
Pastor Julia Scott