Called to be Free
Jeremiah was a prophet and his ministry lasted 40 years. During his ministry destruction took place under the reign of King Josiah. Israel turned their back on God. Jeremiah realized that a devastating destruction was going to take place if the nation did not repent. In Jeremiah 2:1-13, we see that early Israel was devoted to God. Israel broke the covenant with God even though HE was faithful. The spiritual leaders rebelled against God, they were insensitive to God’s power and presence and lost it. In verse 13, God’s people committed two sins:
· They abandoned God, the One who remained faithful in all their trials
· dug their own wells, broken wells that could not hold water (Living of the world), the Israelites found pleasures from Idols/world. We must not become insensitive to conviction to the point we minimize it and don’t feel it so we just keep digging broken cisterns.
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. Galatians 5:13
What fleshly desires are hindering you from having a life of peace? Sin is sin and we all fight our flesh, scriptures tells us that we must die to ourselves daily. We must completely surrender and walk in Freedom. I am not promising it will be easy but it will be worth it because scripture tells us we will have Freedom.
Pastor Kendra Scott