Choosing to Believe When Life Hurts
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Maybe it’s a health scare. Or financial troubles. Perhaps a loved one has died, or you’ve lost your job, or your child is being bullied. Life throws all kinds of trials and suffering our way because we live in a broken and fallen world.
In the Freedom In Christ class we learn these are opportunities for our faith to grow, because in these times we have to choose whether to trust God or to put our faith in something else. Do we trust that God will provide in His timing, or do we struggle and strive for a quick fix according to our schedule? Do we believe that God really is the God of all comfort, or do we complain at God for taking our loved one away? The times when life hurts the most can actually be the most fertile opportunities for the growth of our faith. As we choose to believe in God and act on His truth, even when very strong emotions may try to contradict what He says is true, we find that in Him we really can have peace in the wildest of storms because He has indeed overcome the world.
The outcome of your Christian life is in your hands. There is no such thing as a Christian who can’t become a mature and fruitful disciple. You can resist temptation, overcome hopelessness, and negative emotions, and leave behind past influences and move on. You don’t need a special anointing from God or a special person to say a special prayer over you. You just need to know what is already true, choose to believe it, and act on it.
Let God’s peace flood your heart and mind today.
Pastor Greg Volich