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Creation's Witness

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”  Psalms 19:1 ESV


Anywhere in the world, God gives a view of His creation.  Whether rich or poor, in North America or Africa, young or old, educated or not, God gives a ringside seat to gaze at His amazing creations.


Every country has its own kind of beauty from the magnificent Alps in Europe to the tropic jungles is South America. The oceans and waterways that boarder the countries of the world take on a variety of dramatic characteristics as well.


However, looking at God’s light sources in the sky shows off the handiwork of God.  Whether it is the beauty of sunrise or sunset or the moon phases throughout the seasons, it is something to behold.  Looking up to the heavens on a starry night and the numberless stars that show the glory of God is a showstopper!  As if that isn’t enough, the northern lights are something to behold too!  God is to be glorified and nature shows off His majesty so well.  If the heavens and sky declare the glory of God, how much more should we be declaring the glory of God!


Pastor Ruth Kaunley


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