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From the Cross: Into Thy Hand I Commit My Spirit

And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into Your hands I entrust My spirit.” And having said this, He died.

— Luke 23:46 – Read: Luke 23:44-47

The words Jesus spoke with His dying breathe are from a Psalm of David - Psalm 31:5a, “Into your hands I commit my spirit”; and ends with, “deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.”

On the cross, Jesus took the punishment we deserved for our sin. He did not deserve to die, but He willingly took our place and experienced death for us. Jesus’ death was a substitution, “the righteous for the unrighteous” (1 Peter 3:18), the innocent for the guilty, the perfect for the corrupt. Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament’s requirement for blood atonement. This sacrifice of Jesus—taking on our sin and dying in our place—brought about the atonement of our sins.

When Christ died, the veil to the Holy of Holies was torn, which means that we who believe can now have full access to the presence of God because He, the perfect lamb, took away our sins and made us pure. The fall took away our access to the presence; but Christ, through His death and Resurrection, restored our access!

God is here, and God is with us! He desires to heal our wounds, our bodies, and our souls. He loves us and cares for us. Even though He’s seen the depths of our hearts, He loves us the same. His plan is to restore all things, to renew all things, and to destroy the evil one and all his works. This plan begins with our own renewal and restoration and the destruction of the

evil within us.

Dear Heavenly Father, at times I am overwhelmed by Your love and grace towards me, that You should send Your only Son to die and experience death in my place. Unto You oh Lord I bring my life. Thank You that I am safe in Your hands forever, in Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN

Pastor Greg & Victoria Volich


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