Gideon is Called
In Judges 6, we see that God calls Gideon to deliver Israel from the Midianites who were severely oppressing Israel at this time. Much like what God does, He calls someone, to the world’s standards, who is unqualified. Because Gideon is humble, realizing in himself he has no ability to deliver Israel, he asks for a sign from the Lord.
Verse 18 tells us that Gideon leaves the angel of the Lord (we know this is actually Jesus himself) to prepare an offering and lay it before Him. Then in verse 20, the angel of God says to take the offering elements and lay them on the rock and in verse 21, we see the supernatural of God enacted by fire springing out of the rock and consuming the offering. When I read this, the Holy Spirit showed me the correlation to our personal lives.
Our lives are to be an offering to God. We offer ourselves to Him, every part of us, to be used according to His purpose. When we give our lives as an offering to Him, we are laying them on “The Rock,” Christ Jesus. Then through His infinite ability, the Holy Spirit gives us power and equips us to complete the work he has called His children to do. My prayer today is that I will lay every aspect of my life down as an offering to the Lord who will use me according to His glorious purpose.
Pastor Emily Christenson