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God's Love Surrounds

…as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people.

I remember at the airport one day, a young mother struggled alone. Her toddler was in full tantrum mode…screaming, kicking, and refusing to board their plane. Overwhelmed and pregnant, the burdened young mother finally gave up, sinking to the floor in frustration, covering her face, and starting to cry.

Suddenly, six or seven women travelers, all strangers, formed a circle around the young mom and her child…sharing snacks, water, loving hugs and even a nursery song. Their loving circle calmed the mother and child, who then boarded their plane. The other women returned to their seats, not needing to discuss what they had done but knowing their support had strengthened a young mother exactly when she needed it.

This shows a beautiful truth from Psalms 125. “As the mountains surround Jerusalem,” says verse 2, “so the Lord surrounds His people.” This picture or image reminds us how the bustling city of Jerusalem is, and having been there, knowing how it is flanked by those surrounding hills – Mount of Olives, Mount Zion and Mount Moriah.

In this same way, almighty God surrounds His people…supporting and standing guard over our souls “both now and for evermore.” Thus, on tough days, look up, unto the hills as Psalm 121:1 says.

Today, I surround you with loving arms of security and provision of a Father.

Love, God

Pastor Dave Stallman

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