Good Shepherd
I have a special treasure that I used to carry with me a lot. I have quit using it. It used to work great but I don’t know if even works any more, however I keep it in a special place on a shelf. It is a gold pocket watch on a chain (fake gold) lol. I wonder if that has happened to some of our special Bible verses.
The one I would like to recall you will probably know. If you ever went to VBS, it was a memory verse. Perhaps you don’t use it any more. It starts out like this The Lord is My Shepard.
Can you as a Christian honestly say that phrase, “The Lord is MY Shepard”? John chapter 10 Jesus says my sheep know me and follow me. It reminds me when we were at the Great Passion play in Eureka Springs. The shepherd was walking his sheep through the busy marketplace when they were all split up by the throng of people. When the shepherd turned and saw them, they must have heard him speak, because all of a sudden, they all huddled close to him. If you are not following Him you cannot honestly say the first verse.
Do you know His voice? Several reasons you might not, you haven’t been close to Him. Perhaps the 23 Psalm is not just for VBS, left in the center of the Bible and put on the shelf, not relevant for you today.
I had a chance to talk to an old shepherd that shared with me things about sheep that made the other verses of this chapter come alive for today’s world. (To be shared at a later time).
In these challenging times, no matter what comes…Covid, loss of job, business, health, death of loved ones. Psalm 23 still holds true and is relevant for today!
Take this challenge for today, READ 23 PSALM, REAL SLOW, FROM THE NIV, and put it to work in your Life!
No matter what life throughs my way!!!
Ron Luthi