He is…
I’m my Beloved’s and He is mine-
He’s God’s Son, the Holy One, who is Divine!
He’s always been, He is and He’ll always be.
From before earth’s foundation and throughout eternity.
He’s the alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, my Redeemer, my Savior and my dearest friend!
He’s altogether lovely, the lover of my soul. He cleansed me from every sin and made me whole!
He’s the Good Shepherd and calls me by name.
Yesterday, today, forever- He is the same!
He is always with me, never leaving my side.
He is the Living Word, and in Him I abide.
He’s the Resurrection and my every life.
He’s the Prince of Peace, ending every strife.
He is my King of Glory, coming back for me-
Oh, what a wonderful Savior is He!
Robbie Mickley (3/9/23), my friend submitted by Don Schrag