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Is This Sunday?

Many of you see my mom on a weekly basis at church. She is a little, white haired, one-hundred-year-old lady that quietly sits with me during the church service. She has always loved being in the House of God. Even as a young child, she and her older sister would ride their Shetland Pony to church. A small community church was where she first was introduced to Jesus. From that day, she couldn’t wait for the next Sunday so she could be in church again.

As a teenager, the core of her life was to serve Jesus and be in His house and with her brothers and sisters in the Lord. To mom, there is nothing quite as wonderful as being a part of the family of God, coming together in worship, praise and growing in the Word and with each other.

God certainly granted the desire of her heart when He called her in her late twenties to be a pastor’s wife. And if that were not enough, her house was right next door to the House of God.

As time has moved on for mom, many things have changed or diminished. However, one thing continues to grow stronger and brighter in her spirit; her desire to be in the House of Lord with the family of God to raise praises to Him, learn from Him and be enveloped in His presence.

My family knows that everyday that they will be asked, “Is this Sunday?,” or finding mom dressing herself in the middle of the night because she knows that in the morning it just has to be Sunday. In Psalm 84:10, King David had that same sense when he pinned,” Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” Hebrews 10:25 says, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Is the Day of the Lord approaching? Yes, it is much closer than when it was pinned so long ago. Is our day of departure from this temporal body closer than a few years ago? Yes. Being ready for the Rapture or a personal invitation to come home should give us all great expectancy to make every opportunity count.

Just the other day, mom asked her most frequent question, “Is this Sunday? My husband said to me, when mom reaches Heaven she will be in the spirit eternally on the Lord’s day. What a day that will be.

However, until then …. mom is hoping every day is Sunday.

Pastor Ruth Kaunley

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