Just One
Psalm 126: 5-6 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.
I was challenged by my children recently, in a way that gripped my heart. We had gone out one Saturday to do some evangelism and broken into teams. My son had gone with a group that had reached several people. While my group, the one my daughter was in had not yet found anyone. We were going through the woods and looking for people and many of the camps once there, had moved. I didn’t plan to go as long since the girls are younger, and I told them we could go back, and I would let them go home with my parents so they could rest. One of my daughters got very quiet and when we got to the church, she pulled me in a closet. She began to weep and say, “I have to reach one! Just give me one!” She was so burdened we loaded up and with the help of our dear friend Carla, that’s just what we did. We met what we thought was one and it turned out to be three. My daughter was able to pray with our new friends and invite them to church. Her next request, was “for one more…” I was convicted by her desperation to reach a soul. How her heart was gripped, and tears flowed, and she begged me, and the Lord for one more chance. I can tell you; He is so faithful. I think God delights in those tears and leans from His throne to watch the joy about to unfold. Friends, I want to be desperate like that. I want to beg, and sob and even when the request is granted, want “one more”. I want to carry sheaves of souls to Jesus and water the way with tears of conviction and compassion. My children became my teachers that day, and their prayers have echoed in my heart ever since. Oh, to be desperate for the lost like that, would result in a harvest of joy.
Pastor Natalie Snider