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Looking for God

“Have you seen my knitted house slippers?” I asked my husband. “It’s a little cool to run around in the house barefoot this evening.”

“No, I haven’t seen them. Where did you have them last?”

“I thought they were in the bedroom by our bed. But they’re not. I’ve looked around the house.”

“They’ll show up,” he encouraged.

Four hours later, they did – on top of the shoe rack in the closet between other shoes. And then, I remembered putting them there when I vacuumed the carpet. I had missed seeing them by not looking in the unusual place.

How many times have I missed God’s intervention in my life by not looking for Him. A granddaughter told me, “I sure enjoyed the family Thanksgiving dinners you used to have.” Ahh, at times I’ve wondered if what I did was appreciated. A young man held the heavy door open for me at a shopping center. “It was my pleasure,” he said when I thanked him. Hmm, did God arrange that meeting to value me? A car driver allowed me to enter traffic one day when I was running late to an appointment. How did God get that driver there just at the moment I needed it?

It would be easy to assume all the above situations were just happenstance instead of God’s intervention in my life. In the future, I want to look for God in all my daily activities. I think He is there more than I have realized, maybe in unusual places.

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

Helen L. Hoover


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