Love That Delivers
Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love.
— 1 John 4:7 – [TPT] Recommended reading: 1 John 4:7-21
1 John 4: 9-10 says: In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
The word propitiation basically means “merciful.” The word describes Christ, through His sacrificial death, providing a covering for sin. By means of the atoning death of Christ, God can be merciful to the sinner who believes in Him, and reconciliation is affected.
Reconciliation is bringing what has been alienated into unity, harmony, or agreement. God Himself has provided the means of reconciliation through the death of His Son Jesus Christ. Due to His sacrificial love, united with Christ, we have the authority, His Spirit within us, through the atoning blood of Jesus to cast out (deliver) others with the same love that Jesus bestowed upon us. We are united with Christ.
Love delivers because vs 18-19 says; there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. Torment and suffering are not of God. God’s love delivers because God is love and vs. 21 says: whoever loves God must also demonstrate love to others. There is freedom in God’s love.
The apostle Paul explains that the greatest gift of all is love (1 Cor.13). Jesus gave us His love-to-love others to set them free, heal their infirmities and deliver them from iniquity. He delivers by the power of His infilling Spirit (God is love) to set the captives free. The real proof of our love for God is how we express love and treat others, esteeming them in love. Love never fails, it’s love that delivers to those who call on the name of Jesus.
Pastor Greg Volich